- Vanity Fair: Donne in politica: una sindaca ha tre volte più probabilità di essere aggredita rispetto a un collega uom
- Courrier International: Un algorithme contre la mafia
- TheConversation: Why are female politicians more often targeted with violence?
- TV2000: Podcast on "Violence against women in politics" (in Italian)
- La politica è un lavoro pericoloso per le donne
- IlFattoQuotidiano: Le donne in politica sono più esposte a violenze e intimidazioni. E spesso lasciano – Lo studio
- L'espresso: L'algoritmo batte la mafia sul tempo
- VoxEU: How machine learning is aiding the fight against mafia infiltration in Italy
- Elle: In Italia abbiamo un grave problema di violenza contro le donne in politica
- SlowNews: I fondi di coesione hanno gli anticorpi contro le infiltrazioni mafiose?
- VoxEU: Organised crime, violence, and support for the state
- VoxDev: How the Mexican war on drugs fuelled organised crime
- La Stampa: Un indulto “chirurgico” per svuotare le carceri
- Wired Italia (Podcast): L'intelligenza artificiale può aiutarci a sconfiggere il crimine?
- LaRepubblica: Le donne in politica nel mirino dagli hater: “Violenze e attacchi tre volte più degli uomini, bersagliate solo perché hanno potere
- Italian study reveals exposure to images of mafia violence increases trust
- Bocconi Knowledge: Exposure to images of mafia violence increases trust in the state
- Vox Talks (podcast): Violence against women in politics
- Vox EU: Violence against female politicians
- France 24: TV live interview on Italian mafia changes over time
- DeTijd: Can Italy's Anti-Mafia Laws Tackle Our Drug Gangs?
- Bocconi Knowledge: Scars Are Forever. Corruption Episodes Haunt Democracies for Decades
- TheConversation: Modern mafia: Italy’s organised crime machine has changed beyond recognition in 30 years (spanish version)
- IlSole24Ore: PNRR, rischi corruzione e mafia
- LaRepubblica: Mafia, lo studio della Bocconi: dalle stragi ai mercati, così è cambiata la strategia dei padrini
- Bocconi Knowledge: "Il lockdown? Non era nei piani"
- Faculti: podcast on "Corruption under Austerity"
- Political Violence at a Glance: "Fighting Organized Crime by Targeting Their Revenues"
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: Festival Diplomacy
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: Festival Medioera
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: Istituto Bruno Leoni
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: LiberiOltre
- LaVerità "Piero Stanig e Gianmarco Daniele: "Che errore chiuderci tutti in casa"
- UnHerd: Lockdowns failed to serve the collective good
- IlFattoQuotidiano: Le alternative al lockdown esistevano, ma si è optato per la strada peggiore
- Vox Dev: "Information provision and street food safety: A field study in urban India"
- The Telegraph "More active government means a greater risk of corruption"
- Vox EU "Corruption under Austerity"
- Vox EU "Covid-19 and socio-political attitudes in Europe: In competence we trust"
- The Conversation, Yahoo!News "How COVID-19 is shaping the way Europeans think about politicians"
- VoxEU "The rise of extreme politics in a federation"
- Bocconi Knowledge "Tagliando la spesa si riduce la corruzione, non i servizi"
- Bocconi Knowledge "Corruption, Not Services, Are Reduced by Cutting Spending"
- TV: Corriere della Sera
- Corriere della Sera "La prima volta non si scorda mai: come Tangentopoli influenza ancora oggi i giovani di allora"
- The New York Magazine "America’s Most Socialist Generation Is Also Its Most Misanthropic"
- National Post "Mob muscle: 'Wiseguys use violence as a means to an end ... and that goal is always to make money"
- EurekAlert "Political corruption scars young voters forever, new research finds"
- Forskning "Korrupsjonsskandale kan ha merket unge italienske velgere for livet"
- Bocconi Knowledge "Political Corruption Scars Young Voters Forever, New Research Finds"
- "Sindaco figlio d’arte, ma la città non ci guadagna"
- The Conversation, Chicago Tribune "How the mafia uses violence to control politics"
- INFOGRAPHICS: Mafia and Political Violence in Italy ENG, ITA
- TV: L’aria che Tira (La7)
-, "I comuni sciolti per mafia, ecco come cambiano"
- "Vinca il politico migliore, ma come trovarlo?"
- The Guardian "Mafia neighbours are bad for business, new report finds"
- Kurier "Mafia macht die Wirtschaft tot"
- TV: L’aria che Tira (La7)
- LaRepubblica "Ecco parentopoli dei prof le grandi dinastie degli atenei"
- Il Giornale "Assunzioni in famiglia A Bari un docente su 4 ha lo stesso cognome"
Policy Events
- Yearly Master Class for Italian bureaucrats on anti-corruption policy (corso di perfezionamento "Anticorruzione e prevenzione dell'illegalità nella Pubblica Amministrazione e nell'impresa")
- Presentation of the paper “Mafia, Politics and Machine Predictions” to the anti-mafia commission of Milan city council
- Presentation of the paper “Mafia, Politics and Machine Predictions” to the heads of the Italian police force – Carabinieri ROS (Rome, IT)
- Speaker at United Nations University Conference (Helsinki): "The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts" - VIDEO
- Speaker at “Knowledge that matters” per la sicurezza e la legalità (Bocconi University)
- Speaker at Global Organized Crime Index presentation (University of Milan)
- Invited speaker at the one-day workshop "Mafia male Comune"
- Policy discussant at the webinar "Organized Crime and Economic Growth: Evidence from Mafia Infiltrated Municipalities in Italy", organized by Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA): video
- The Conference Board - Economists and Strategy Council (CEO and CFO of European corporations)
- One-day seminar on data and Italian municipalities (“I comuni e l’analisi quantitativa”) by the National Italian Association of Municipalities (ANCI)
- JRC Ispra (European Comission) guest seminar presentation of “Fighting Corruption with Austerity”
- Italian School for the Judiciary (Scuola Superiore della Magistratura), invited speaker in the course "Il fenomeno della criminalità organizzata tra storia, economia e sociologia"
- Bank of Italy UIF – Bocconi Workshop “Quantitative methods and the fight against economic crime 2019” (Milan)
- ECFIN (European Comission) guest seminar presentation of “Fighting Corruption with Austerity”
- "Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions" (Riga): Video Coverage
- Bank of Italy UIF - Bocconi Workshop “Quantitative methods and the fight against economic crime 2017”, Rome: presentation of "Mafia, Elections and Political Violence"
- Italian Senate, Rome: presentation of the paper “Mafia, Elections and Political Violence”, related to the activities of the Parliamentary Commission, “Commissione sulle intimidazioni agli amministratori locali”