I presented my work in policy venues like the European Commission, the United Nations University, the Bank of Italy, the Italian Senate, and the Italian School for the Judiciary (Scuola Superiore della Magistratura). My research has been covered, among others, by The New York Magazine, the Guardian, the Telegraph, Corriere della Sera, LaRepubblica, La Stampa. In Italy, I've written on Il Sole24ore, La Repubblica and LaVoce.info.
Policy Events
- Yearly Master Class for Italian bureaucrats on anti-corruption policy (corso di perfezionamento "Anticorruzione e prevenzione dell'illegalità nella Pubblica Amministrazione e nell'impresa")
- Speaker at United Nations University Conference (Helsinki): "The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts" - VIDEO
- Speaker at “Knowledge that matters” per la sicurezza e la legalità (Bocconi University)
- Speaker at Global Organized Crime Index presentation (University of Milan)
- Invited speaker at the one-day workshop "Mafia male Comune"
- Policy discussant at the webinar "Organized Crime and Economic Growth: Evidence from Mafia Infiltrated Municipalities in Italy", organized by Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA): video
- The Conference Board - Economists and Strategy Council (CEO and CFO of European corporations)
- One-day seminar on data and Italian municipalities (“I comuni e l’analisi quantitativa”) by the National Italian Association of Municipalities (ANCI)
- JRC Ispra (European Comission) guest seminar presentation of “Fighting Corruption with Austerity”
- Italian School for the Judiciary (Scuola Superiore della Magistratura), invited speaker in the course "Il fenomeno della criminalità organizzata tra storia, economia e sociologia"
- Bank of Italy UIF – Bocconi Workshop “Quantitative methods and the fight against economic crime 2019” (Milan)
- ECFIN (European Comission) guest seminar presentation of “Fighting Corruption with Austerity”
- "Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions" (Riga): Video Coverage
- Bank of Italy UIF - Bocconi Workshop “Quantitative methods and the fight against economic crime 2017”, Rome: presentation of "Mafia, Elections and Political Violence"
- Italian Senate, Rome: presentation of the paper “Mafia, Elections and Political Violence”, related to the activities of the Parliamentary Commission, “Commissione sulle intimidazioni agli amministratori locali”
- La Stampa: Un indulto “chirurgico” per svuotare le carceri
- Wired Italia (Podcast): L'intelligenza artificiale può aiutarci a sconfiggere il crimine?
- LaRepubblica: Le donne in politica nel mirino dagli hater: “Violenze e attacchi tre volte più degli uomini, bersagliate solo perché hanno potere
- Phys.org: Italian study reveals exposure to images of mafia violence increases trust
- Bocconi Knowledge: Exposure to images of mafia violence increases trust in the state
- Vox Talks (podcast): Violence against women in politics
- Vox EU: Violence against female politicians
- France 24: TV live interview on Italian mafia changes over time
- DeTijd: Can Italy's Anti-Mafia Laws Tackle Our Drug Gangs?
- Bocconi Knowledge: Scars Are Forever. Corruption Episodes Haunt Democracies for Decades
- TheConversation: Modern mafia: Italy’s organised crime machine has changed beyond recognition in 30 years (spanish version)
- IlSole24Ore: PNRR, rischi corruzione e mafia
- LaRepubblica: Mafia, lo studio della Bocconi: dalle stragi ai mercati, così è cambiata la strategia dei padrini
- Bocconi Knowledge: "Il lockdown? Non era nei piani"
- Faculti: podcast on "Corruption under Austerity"
- Political Violence at a Glance: "Fighting Organized Crime by Targeting Their Revenues"
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: Festival Diplomacy
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: Festival Medioera
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: Istituto Bruno Leoni
- "Fallimento Lockdown" Video Interview: LiberiOltre
- LaVerità "Piero Stanig e Gianmarco Daniele: "Che errore chiuderci tutti in casa"
- UnHerd: Lockdowns failed to serve the collective good
- IlFattoQuotidiano: Le alternative al lockdown esistevano, ma si è optato per la strada peggiore
- Vox Dev: "Information provision and street food safety: A field study in urban India"
- The Telegraph "More active government means a greater risk of corruption"
- Vox EU "Corruption under Austerity"
- Vox EU "Covid-19 and socio-political attitudes in Europe: In competence we trust"
- The Conversation, Yahoo!News "How COVID-19 is shaping the way Europeans think about politicians"
- VoxEU "The rise of extreme politics in a federation"
- Bocconi Knowledge "Tagliando la spesa si riduce la corruzione, non i servizi"
- Bocconi Knowledge "Corruption, Not Services, Are Reduced by Cutting Spending"
- TV: Corriere della Sera
- Corriere della Sera "La prima volta non si scorda mai: come Tangentopoli influenza ancora oggi i giovani di allora"
- The New York Magazine "America’s Most Socialist Generation Is Also Its Most Misanthropic"
- National Post "Mob muscle: 'Wiseguys use violence as a means to an end ... and that goal is always to make money"
- EurekAlert "Political corruption scars young voters forever, new research finds"
- Forskning "Korrupsjonsskandale kan ha merket unge italienske velgere for livet"
- Bocconi Knowledge "Political Corruption Scars Young Voters Forever, New Research Finds"
- Lavoce.info "Sindaco figlio d’arte, ma la città non ci guadagna"
- The Conversation, Chicago Tribune "How the mafia uses violence to control politics"
- INFOGRAPHICS: Mafia and Political Violence in Italy ENG, ITA
- TV: L’aria che Tira (La7)
- IlFattoQuotidiano.it, Lavoce.info "I comuni sciolti per mafia, ecco come cambiano"
- Lavoce.info "Vinca il politico migliore, ma come trovarlo?"
- The Guardian "Mafia neighbours are bad for business, new report finds"
- Kurier "Mafia macht die Wirtschaft tot"
- TV: L’aria che Tira (La7)
- LaRepubblica "Ecco parentopoli dei prof le grandi dinastie degli atenei"
- Il Giornale "Assunzioni in famiglia A Bari un docente su 4 ha lo stesso cognome"