My papers have appeared in (among others) the Economic Journal, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Politics, the Journal of Development Economics, and the Journal of Public Economics. My book in Italian, Fallimento Lockdown, with Piero Stanig, was published in September 2021, and in the same year, has been among the best-selling books in the "political science" and "economics" categories on
Work in Progress
with F. Calamunci, G. Mastrobuoni and D. Terlizzese
Working Papers
Working Paper, with D. Britto, M. Le Moglie, P. Pinotti and B. Sampaio
Working Paper,with G. Dipoppa and M. Pulejo
Working Paper, with G. Campedelli and M. Le Moglie
Working Paper (previously Wind of Change? Experimental Survey Evidence on the COVID19 Shock and Socio-Political Attitudes in Europe), with A. Martinangeli, F. Passarelli, W. Sas and L. Windsteiger
1. Fuelling Organised Crime: Oil Thefts and the Mexican Drug War
with G. Battiston, M. Le Moglie and P. Pinotti, Economic Journal (2024)
2. The Causal Impact of Pandemic Distress on Anti-Immigration Sentiments
with A. Martinangeli, F. Passarelli, W. Sas and L. Windsteiger, Economica (2024)
3. Does the winner take it all? Redistributive Policies and Political Extremism
with A. Piolatto and W. Sas, Regional Science and Urban Economics (2024)
4. Organized Crime, Violence and Support for the State
with G. Campedelli, A. Martinangeli and P. Pinotti, Journal of Public Economics (2023)
5. Pains, Guns and Moves: The Effect of the US Opioid Epidemic on Mexican Migration
with M. Le Moglie and F. Masera Journal of Development Economics (2023)
6. Never Forget the First Time: The Persistent Effects of Corruption and the Rise of Populism in Italy
with A. Aassve and M. Le Moglie Journal of Politics (2023)
7. Doing Business Below the Line: Screening, Mafias and European Funds
with G. Dipoppa The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2022)
8. Dynasties and Policymaking
with A. Romarri, P. Vertier Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2021)
9. Street vendors, incentives and self-regulation: a field study in urban India
with D. Tommasi , S. Mookerjee, The Review of Economics and Statistics (2020)
10. Abandon Ship? Party Brands and Politicians' Responses to a Political Scandal
with S. Galletta , B. Geys on Journal of Public Economics (2020)
11. Popularity shocks and political selection: The effects of anti-corruption audits on candidates’ quality
with F. Cavalcantii, S. Galletta, Journal of Public Economics (2018)
12. Mafia, Elections and Political Violence
with G. Dipoppa, Journal of Public Economics (2017)
13. Strike one to educate one hundred: Organized crime, political selection and politicians’ ability
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2017)
14. Organised Crime, Institutions and Political Quality: Empirical Evidence from Italian Municipalities
with B. Geys, The Economic Journal (2015)
15. The Strength of Weak (Family) Ties: Family Networks in High vs. Low Income Countries
with B. Geys, Journal of Development Studies (2015)
16. Interpersonal trust and welfare state support
with B. Geys, European Journal of Political Economy (2015)
17. Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis
with B. Geys, Journal of European Public Policy (2015)
"Fallimento Lookdown", with P. Stanig, EGEA Bocconi Editore (2021)
Book Chapters
"Organised violence: The Mafia" in The Handbook of Collective Violence: Current Developments and Understanding." (2020), ROUTLEDGE.
Old Working Papers
Working Paper, with E. Sartre